
Security Resources


Practicing Smart Safety Tips Can Save Lives in High-Rise Building Emergencies

Submitted by Kimber Westmore on

People who live or work in high-rise residential or commercial buildings face very specific disaster-preparedness challenges. Emergencies such as fires, bomb scares, weather-related incidents and earthquakes present special dangers for such buildings as dormitories, apartment homes, condominiums and office complexes.

Security for your HOA – Beyond the gate…

Submitted by Michael Daley on

Lately, it has become unsettlingly common to wake up to stories of mass shootings, regular civil disobedience, violent robberies, and our nation’s ongoing opioid epidemic. 

In Colorado, we have been shielded from some of these national issues for many years. However, as our population continues to grow by leaps and bounds, these problems are hitting home much more often. According to an article from the Denver Post, our statewide population exceeded 5.6 million people in 2017—ranking Colorado on the top 10 list of fastest growing states.

New Technologies Work in Tandem to Amplify Security Awareness for Proactive Response

Submitted by Sherman Brawner on

Whether regional or national, business leaders face the impact of globalization. In today’s world, it is not a question of if a crisis will affect an enterprise, but when. Events, such as a terror attack, data breach, pandemic or travel ban, that happen on the other side of the world can affect business resilience and valuation just as much as those down the street or on premise.