
Security Resources


Allied Universal Safety Resolutions for 2018

Submitted by Kimber Westmore on

If you were like 41 percent of Americans, before the ball dropped in New York City to ring in 2018, you already made a few New Year’s resolutions. According to Statistic Brain, although a mere 9.2 percent of people report following through with the resolutions they make, individuals who make them are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who fail to make them at all. So, this year, why not make a New Year’s resolution that could literally save your life?

Security Sector Delivers Best Practices and Evolving Technology to Manage Threats

Submitted by Steve Jones on

The year 2017 has been a banner one for physical security with the advent of increasingly sophisticated technology to manage threats. As we approach 2018, the field widens with regard to solutions that will expand the capability of security teams seeking ways to shore up their risk exposure and expand situational intelligence. Here’s a recap of milestones and areas we see as important in the new year.


Role of Video Analytics and Security on Campus and in Hospitals

Submitted by Ken Bukowski on

More and more schools, universities and hospitals committed to ensuring their campuses and communities are safe, are looking to align with contract security partners who can provide efficient and effective security solutions while reducing overall labor costs. How can these institutions ensure maximum priority for safety and security while managing restrictive budgets? Integrating video analytics into the security officers’ response tool-sets enables hospitals, colleges and universities to be more proactive, preventive and strategic.


Security Officers: How Changing Titles Changes Perceptions

Submitted by Scott Savoie on

When I hear the term “security guard” used in popular culture, why does it personally elicit a reaction of disappointment for me? As Chief Administrative Officer for America’s largest security firm, how our security professionals are perceived is part of my job. Words have the ability to shape our perception, and when I hear the term “security guard,” I feel  that the important role our security professionals play is diminished.

New Thinking in Workplace Violence Prevention and Active Assailant Response

Submitted by Steven Crimando on

No organization or geographic area is immune from extreme violence. Having an Active Shooter Response Plan is no longer enough. Organizations and institutions must be prepared for new attack methods by developing policies, plans, procedures and exercises aligned with today’s realities.