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Biases can be excellent things, for example, when we prefer foods that are good for us to foods that are bad for us, or when we teach our children not to get into cars with strangers.

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We hope this blog will cast some light on these lesser-known threats and vulnerabilities so EP clients and practitioners can consider them as they plan and implement comprehensive protection programs. Even if you’re not in the executive protection industry, awareness of these lesser-known threats and vulnerabilities is the first step towards mitigating them.

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If “training is the cornerstone of readiness”, as the US Army writes in Train to Win in a Complex World, sustainment training is what maintains and improves that readiness over time.

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Like practically any other business, most executive protection companies are vendors as well as purchasers. We sell protective services to our clients, and we sometimes buy services from other suppliers to make this happen. Ergo, we need to be good at providing the services we sell, and we need to be good at buying the services we outsource.

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Some people are natural networkers. For others, networking is like flossing your teeth: You know you’re supposed to do it regularly, but for some reason, you never get around to it unless your gums start bleeding or you’ve got a big date starting in 10 minutes and you realize you’ve got dragon breath.

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Executive protection practitioners have a wholly unique perspective that differs from many others who use screening devices, including security providers at airports, sports arenas, and other facilities open to the general public.

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In this blog, we will be discussing some other aspects of the broader concept of protective intelligence in executive protection.

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Operational readiness is the most fundamental prerequisite for any protective effort and has consequences for practically everything we do as an executive protection company.

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As executive protection professionals, it’s our mission to protect our clients from all manner of threats. In an increasingly connected world, we must also help protect their data and their privacy.

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When corporations consider adding intelligence analysis programs as part of their security efforts, it’s only natural to pose hard questions about return on investment (ROI).

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