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When working with high profile or high net worth clients, executive protection professionals must accept that the media simply come with the territory.  A clear understanding of how the media operate to access the principal is key to ensuring the principal’s well-being and privacy.

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Clients have different needs, and not all clients are asking for the same solutions when it comes to handling global security operation centers (GSOCs). Some are opening GSOCs for the first time and want to start in the best possible way. Others have been running GSOCs for years but express a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the way their GSOCs perform.

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We’ve been getting an increasing number of questions about critical incident response teams (CIRTs) from existing and potential clients. This is natural due to the many active shooter incidents reported not only in schools but also in public areas and workplaces.  

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There are a lot of concerns these days about social media and security. Most of this has to do with the security of personal data. Can hackers get into our accounts? What do companies big and small know about us? How are they using it? How securely are they storing it?

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When most of us think about advance work for executive protection, checklists are still the first things that come to mind.

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The “make-or-buy” decision is a classic quandary for manufacturing companies. Is the corporation better off making a product or component, or would it be smarter to buy the product from an external supplier?

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Some of the most common questions we get from new corporate executive protection clients concern staffing levels is as follows: What are our options? What have companies with similar needs done before us? How many people do we need to set up a program, and what kinds of people do they need to be?

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Job burnout, or work-related stress, is an ever-present risk for busy EP agents. While almost none of the alpha types in our industry are willing to admit it, many of us have worked the crazy hours that lead up to burnout – and more than a few of us have discovered the negative consequences of work-related stress too late.

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Intelligence analysts now play an increasingly important role in safeguarding a wide variety of corporate interests, too, ranging from the protection of people to understanding risks that might impact anything from supply chains to critical assets such as production facilities, brands and reputations.

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In this blog, we examine the special needs of high net worth individuals and families who want to travel safely.

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