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In addition to the hard skills that are most often discussed, successful executive protection agents possess a number of other characteristics that can be broadly described as soft skills or personality traits.

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Considering the many challenges of starting up a corporate EP program, it’s no wonder that some are more successful than others.

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Every corporate executive protection program starts somewhere. Although a number of Fortune 500 and other companies do already use EP, a significant segment still does not.

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In order to pull off the logistical nightmare of a busy EP team, it is important to look for ways to stay organized and optimize productivity in a schedule.

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There aren’t many corporate executive protection strategy documents lying around in corporate headquarters or in executive protection companies. Blueprints that cover the strategy essentials are not available online. Why? We believe this is due to two simple but interrelated factors.

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We’re often asked why corporations establish executive protection (EP) programs for their CEOs and other employees. The question is fair enough, since corporate executive protection is a relatively new phenomenon for many companies, and by its very nature not something that people outside the boardroom, C-suite or our industry discuss much in public.

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The difference between corporate executive protection and EP in other contexts is, well, corporate. When EP takes place in the context of the modern corporation, it must play by a very different set of rules than close protection of political or military VIPs and celebrities. Corporate EP managers need to navigate between many interests – often conflicting.

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Many companies, including major corporations, have a number of physical security programs but no specific executive protection strategy or program. In this blog, we address three questions that corporations need to ask when considering whether to set up an EP program.

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In this blog, we will discuss the components of building and maintaining a corporate EP program.

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We know we’re all way too busy, but every executive protection agent has at least some downtime, some time. This includes in-house and outsourced FTEs, and folks working both executive protection and residential details.

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