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 Wearable technologies are increasingly more common and the next generation of connected security officers will wear body accessories that are powered by sensors that gather information from their immediate surroundings and then relay that information for storage and analysis at the edge or in the cloud.

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As an industry, security must be mindful of taking an untried path, to avoid opening up security risks as we make the transition to Security 4.0. If done correctly, our transition will bring similar benefits in efficiency, effectiveness, and overall empowerment for the human side of the human-technology team.

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Today’s security leaders encounter many challenges. They have to operate with reduced budgets and face challenging and evolving risks daily.

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Whether a company's security program is in-house, outsourced, or a hybrid of both, the leading global security executives and decision-makers are acutely aware of how to effectively leverage the resource capabilities of intelligence professionals within their organization.

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Change is never easy and for many of us who have been in the security industry for a while, our comfort zone is in the “nuts and bolts” of our day-to-day tactics. We know our details.

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With the U.S. economy firing on all cylinders, it is a good reason for savvy leaders to think about protecting their key assets from exposure to ever-evolving internal and external security risks.

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The U.S. energy infrastructure is the cornerstone of the economy. Without a working energy grid, daily life as we know it would grind to a halt, and both health and welfare would be in danger.

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The best way to determine how to meet regulatory requirements is to conduct a thorough risk analysis and any gaps should be analyzed and resolved over time. The organization should work with its security partners and consultants to find technology-based solutions to the security gaps wherever possible.

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As emerging technologies spread into boardrooms, it is not just the technologies themselves that are disruptive, it’s the scaling and adoption of those technologies that are also vulnerable.

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