Quality Assurance

Set the Bar High and Demand Quality

We Provide Quality, From Start to Finish

At Allied Universal, we exceed expectations. We proactively initiate a quality assurance process that includes on-site visits to ensure service delivery based on your expectations.  We hold ourselves accountable to the specifications detailed in your customized quality assurance plan. Our team will also schedule formal Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) so that you are able to stay current on service levels and inspection ratings.

Our high standards start with the hiring process. All our prospective employees complete a mandatory 7 Steps to Success training program before they start working. They learn about Allied Universal’s customer service standards and how to properly use of our specialized green cleaning equipment, products, and recycling programs. We also mandate that our employees receive emergency training, and are familiar with the evacuation routes and procedures. Throughout their employment, Allied Universal provides ongoing training and coaching so that all employees provide the highest level of quality cleaning each and every day.

We believe that ongoing training programs are essential for building a better client-employee relationship. When employees learn and understand the “why” and “how” behind our procedures and practices, we see increased productivity and outstanding feedback.

Additionally, our staff provides effective, on-going communication with their managers and our clients to ensure that you stay ahead of any issues and shine in front of your client.   

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