Ladder Safety >

Unsafe conditions and improper use of ladders are notorious causes of workplace-related injuries. By following some simple guidelines you can increase your safety awareness while significantly reducing the potential for injury.

Eye Safety >

According to Federal Occupational Health, a group within the US Department of Health and Human Services, more than 2,000 people suffer from eye injuries each day and an estimated 1,000 of those

Allied Universal Safety Resolutions for 2018

If you were like 41 percent of Americans, before the ball dropped in New York City to ring in 2018, you already made a few New Year’s resolutions. According to Statistic Brain, although a mere 9.2 percent of people report following through with the resolutions they make, individuals who make them are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who fail to make them at all. So, this year, why not make a New Year’s resolution that could literally save your life?

Ergonomics >

From construction to office jobs, from healthcare to food processing, workers in a wide spectrum of industries often have responsibilities that could put them at risk for injuries from the overuse of muscles, bad posture and repeated tasks.