Engagement and Expertise - An Ideal Security Solution

According to the 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends research, nearly 80% of business leaders rated the employee experience as very important. What defines experience? It’s not only based on an organization’s culture and engagement, it’s an integrated focus on the entire workplace, HR and management practices that make for an enjoyable experience and job satisfaction. In an increasingly digital world where transparency and millennials begin to dominate, you must make the total experience essential to your operation.

Shopping Mall Security: Keeping Pace with a Changing Venue

Today’s shopping malls include more entertainment venues, theaters, restaurants and events that attract shoppers and increase patronage. This approach is designed to make the property a shopping destination, and it is building vitality back into many malls that have seen vacancy rates increase and sales decrease. This change specifically appeals to the tastes of young adults.

Security Officer Engagement Stems from Opportunity

By 2016, more than 655,000 individuals in the United States will have careers in the security services industry according to The Freedonia Group, a leading international business research company. These security professionals work around the clock to protect people and property in a variety of industries and settings. How can an organization help ensure that their security team is engaged and prepared to meet their needs? 

AQAP Releases 12th Edition of Inspire Magazine

The Yemen-based al Qaeda affiliate, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), released its 12th edition of the English-language magazine Inspire. This issue is titled, “Shattered, A Story About Change,” with the cover story focusing on how America’s role as a superpower has essentially been “shattered” in the post-9/11 world. Most of the past editions have included an “Open Source Jihad” section that provides detailed tactical information and instructions for jihadists to use for training purposes.

Education Security Planning

Colleges and universities need to ensure their campuses are as safe as possible. But while the mission may be simple, developing the right approach is not. Institutions facing budget challenges are increasingly asking “how much risk is present and how much can we afford to pay to mitigate threats?”