
Security Resources


Introducing our Next Chapter at BOMA 2017

Submitted by Cornell Beans on

Every year at the BOMA International Conference & Expo, Allied Universal, a BOMA Cornerstone partner, welcomes attendees from the commercial real estate sector. We exhibit and host a reception to let clients know how much our company appreciates their business. It’s slated for this weekend, June 24-27 at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tenn.

Law Enforcement and Private Security Demonstrate Power of Public-Private Partnerships

Submitted by Caress Kennedy on

Our nation’s police departments are under intense pressure to keep crime rates low despite reduced manpower and budgets. As President of the Northeast Region for North America’s leading physical security services company, I believe in the power of public-private partnerships. Three decades ago, very few private security and law enforcement liaison programs existed. Today, New York and other cities across the country boast many collaborative initiatives.

Why Executive Protection Professionals Need to Embrace the Internet of Things – for Better, for Worse – and for Good

Submitted by Allied Universal on

There’s a lot of talk about the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is growing rapidly in size and complexity. It’s expanding into more and more types of devices and applications, and it’s getting smarter. It’s disrupting all kinds of industries – for better, for worse and for good. The IoT is not going away, and the pace of change will skyrocket in the coming years.

Giving Back Through a Local Skill-Building Initiative

Submitted by Al Santosusso on

It’s that time of year when colleges and universities are preparing for graduation. As Allied Universal provides on-campus and residential safety and protection for students and staff across the country, there is one graduation ceremony that has a very special connection to our company. We partnered with The West Philadelphia Skills Initiative (WPSI), a program operated by University City District (UCD) in Philadelphia and have been an active educational instructor and employer of their graduates.

Licensing, Liability and Legal Compliance Issues in Protective Security: What High Net Worth Families Need to Know

Submitted by Allied Universal on

There is a lot of confusion surrounding liability and legal compliance issues concerning private security services, including the protective services relevant for high net worth families. The problems are complex, and there are plenty of gray areas open to interpretation.

Educating the Healthcare Community on How to Handle Active Shooter Situations

Submitted by Kevin Francis on

Will you know what to do if an active shooter entered your healthcare facility?

Next week, Allied Universal is co-hosting with John Jay College and the Metropolitan Healthcare Security Directors Association (MHSDA), a “Plan to Live” seminar to educate healthcare providers on best practices to handle an active shooter situation and other threats. 

How Technology is Changing Disaster Management

Submitted by Kimber Westmore on

It was not that long ago that disaster management professionals handled crises primarily through landlines and press conferences. Thankfully, over the past 10 years, technology has redefined global emergency management and disaster communications. One of the first national disasters to heavily rely on technology, according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), was Hurricane Sandy, as users sent more than 20 million Sandy-related tweets.