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Gone are the days when strategic lighting and several ‘Neighborhood Watch’ signs provided residents peace of mind that they lived in a safe community.

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Our private data is coveted by cybercriminals, hackers and even foreign governments. Our information has tremendous value; thus we need to figure out the best ways to safeguard our data.

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Welcome veteran Harold Underdown to AU! Harold recently joined AU from U.S. Security Associates (USSA) after a distinguished 30-year career with the United States Navy as Master Chief Naval Special Warfare (SEAL).

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Hospitals are designed to optimize patient care, but they may not always be designed for optimal security.

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Jonathan, a decorated soldier, served over 10 years in the United States Marine Corp. He states that he had always wanted to be a Marine since the age of 14 years old.

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Executive protection practitioners have a wholly unique perspective that differs from many others who use screening devices, including security providers at airports, sports arenas, and other facilities open to the general public.

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The ability to articulate one’s needs, make informed decisions designed to improve, change or transform quality of our life enables us to be the captain of our ship.

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In this blog, we will be discussing some other aspects of the broader concept of protective intelligence in executive protection.

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Successful Safety Programs build better houses of business. Structure, resources, communication and engagement are the four pillars needed to achieve an injury free work place while ensuring industry regulatory compliance. 

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To help you avoid missteps and “game day” risks, we’ve put together the following tips to help you create a tactical plan no matter what type of event you attend that will help you protect yourself and your family.

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