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If a crisis occurs on your property or in your facility, who will be the first person on the scene? In many situations, the security officer often serves in this “go-to” role. These men and women can enhance your ability to recover and ensure the productivity, morale and safety of your employees, while protecting your brand.

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Airports go through some level of construction every year and whether an airport is engaging in normal maintenance or undergoing a massive renovation, ensuring the security of the airport and its employees, contractors and visitors is of paramount importance. 

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Facility managers seeking practical economic decisions for their buildings are well served to reach out to all of their vendor partners, including their contract security provider, to find creative solutions. A collaborative and holistic approach is fundamental in developing a safe and positive culture. Every facility is unique and the right solutions – the ones that deliver the most value – are cultivated through open communication, an understanding of needs, and a commitment by all involved to see the bigger picture. 

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An increasing business trend is an expanded focus on personnel. This includes the recruitment, training and engagement of the individuals who are assigned to help create and maintain safer and more secure environments.

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Employee healthcare benefits are at the center of many business decisions today. Will employees be offered benefits?  If so, what benefit options will be available to them? And how do these decisions impact your business in terms of cost and employee engagement?

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Consolidating business under one service provider can drastically improve the value of any operation. The single point of contact, streamlined and consistent procedures, cost savings and best practices are among the benefits.

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Considering the many challenges of starting up a corporate EP program, it’s no wonder that some are more successful than others.

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People are the foundation of the security industry. The ability to relate and empathize is—without question—what makes a security officer effective.

This profession demands a high degree of attentiveness as security officers are highly visible figures who serve the people they protect. Whether its opening doors with a smile, providing helpful directions, or responding to a medical emergency, security officers must be people-oriented with an affinity to customer service. 

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While every industry, business and workplace is unique, there is one critical area where every business leader, without question, needs to focus this year. We are all united in the need for emergency preparedness. With new threats emerging every day and increasingly hostile environments, the need to plan and prepare becomes increasingly more significant. 

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While a security officer’s primary duty is to protect people, property, information and reputation, today’s security officers also provide a unique level of customer service to help create an environment that is safe and engaging. Ensuring that security officers are well-trained in customer service skills is critically important across all industries. 

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