Extend National Security Officer Appreciation Week—365 Days to Thank a Security Officer!

As we reflect on the close of the fourth annual National Security Officer Appreciation Week, I am reminded of just how integral security officers are to our communities and workplaces. These individuals not only deter crime, they lead evacuations, provide information, work closely with local law enforcement and are constantly vigilant in their efforts to keep us safe.

Tornado Preparedness >

Be prepared! Tornadoes generally spawn from thunderstorms, though they have been known to occur without the presence of lightning. The United States has the highest incidence of tornadoes worldwide, with more than 1,000 occurring every year. Tornadoes are more prevalent from April through July, with May and June being the peak months. But like thunderstorms, tornadoes can form any time of year. 

Civil Unrest Preparedness Resources >

Across the world, we have witnessed a surge in demonstrations, protests and civil disobedience. When encountering a rally of any kind, it is important that safety remains top of mind for yourself and those around you. Additionally, if a large crowd is near or in your workplace, it is vital that you take every action to ensure the safety of everyone within your facility and your property.

Combatting Point-of-Care Violence Healthcare Symposium

November 8, 2018

Citizens Bank Park

Event Summary
According to a recent U.S. Bureau of Labor of Statistics report, in addition to other staff, more than 25% of all nurses have experienced workplace violence at the point-of-care. Experts note that the root cause of these attacks is an uptick in the number of patients with behavioral health or substance abuse disorders. Unfortunately, staff are typically not equipped to support these patients’ unique needs, and the end result is frequently verbal or physical violence.