Staying Vigilant Against Explosives

The threat from extremists who attempt to use improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to cause harm is persistent and pervasive. High-profile international incidents frequently make the headlines, yet explosive occurrences are rising sharply here in the U.S. as well. According to Justice Department statistics, there were 428 incidents in 2020, up 71% from the year before. The threat to Americans will likely remain high over the coming decade as instructions and materials for IEDs are readily available online.

Veteran - Shellie Crandall

At age 20, Shellie Crandall realized her job on a construction site operating a commercial crane, sometimes referred to as a cherry picker, wasn't challenging enough — even though she won the crew's lunch money by balancing open soda cans on the claw block and swinging it in every widening arc without spilling a drop!

New Year, New Security Challenges

A new year always brings opportunity for assessment, evaluation and improvement – not only in our personal lives but also in our professional ones. Today’s threat landscape delivers significant challenges for security professionals at organizations of every size. Cities across the nation are experiencing crime at record levels. More than a dozen major U.S. cities, including Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Chicago, are experiencing homicides and violent crime at the highest numbers in decades. Smash-and-grab retail robberies, car jackings and assaults are surging from coast to coast.