Deanna Steele

Joined Allied Universal: 2024

Appointed to Current Role: 2024


As Allied Universal’s chief information officer for North America, Deanna Steele creates substantial business value by delivering exceptional customer experiences, supporting growth, integrating acquisitions and optimizing artificial intelligence across the company’s North American operations.

Allied Universal TRIP Agents Safeguard Large Rail System

April 2, 2024

A transportation operator in Minnesota has partnered with Allied Universal to provide Transit Rider Investment Program (TRIP) agents to ride light rail, check fares, write tickets, provide information to passengers, and administer first aid, including for drug overdoses. In the TRIP program’s first few months, crime aboard buses and trains declined by nearly 8%, even as the service carried more passengers. Serious crimes identified by the FBI, including homicides, robberies and assaults, declined by 16% during the first quarter.

Securing Assets in a Volatile World: Insights from the Allied Universal 2024 Intelligence Outlook: Part 1- Politics, Geopolitics and Economics

In today's interconnected world, businesses often find themselves tackling a range of challenges. One challenge that stands out is the ever-evolving landscape of global risk. To help you navigate the complexities of the coming year around the globe, Allied Universal® has released its 2024 Intelligence Outlook.

Allied Universal Canine Detection Team Keeps NYC Safe

March 15, 2024

Allied Universal Canine Detection Handler Joe Rios and Zeus, his trusty German Shepherd partner, work tirelessly to keep patrons safe at a renowned retail shopping center in New York City.

Joe and Zeus address the threat of explosives and deter criminal activity at the mall and many other high-profile locations throughout the city.

“From the moment we met, I knew Zeus was special. He is extremely intelligent with a natural drive and desire to work. The regular change in site view keeps him engaged and at the top of his game,” said Joe of his partner.

Security Professional's Heroic Response in Active Shooter Tragedy

March 15, 2024

Security Professional Snyder recently faced an active shooter situation in a West Virginia medical building.

Having just completed a shift nearby, Security Professional Snyder was at a doctor's appointment when he heard gunshots and sprang into action following active shooter protocol. He moved room by room, clearing people and directing them to safety.

When Security Professional Snyder heard another gunshot and moved in its direction, he witnessed the assailant shoot a female before fleeing the scene.

West Los Angeles Operations Manager Named Patriotic Employer

March 15, 2024

The Office of the Secretary of Defense has named Allied Universal Operations Manager Martinez a Patriotic Employer. The designation is given to people who contribute to national security by supporting employee participation in America’s National Guard and Reserve Force. The award reflects the high level of support Martinez has shown her employees serving in the Guard and Reserve Force.

The designation can only be initiated by a grateful employee. Martinez was recognized by Allied Universal Team Member Gonzalez who is also a National Guard member.

Allied Universal Canine Team Ensures Safety

March 15, 2024

Allied Universal acquired MSA Security in 2021 and became the world’s largest non-governmental canine detection company.

Every morning, Jean can’t wait to get to the office and bury her nose in her work – literally. Jean is a five-year-old yellow Labrador working as an Allied Universal explosive detection canine and her office is a sprawling data center for a global financial institution. She was imprinted on all five families of commercial explosives, as well as homemade explosives.

Veteran and Security Captain Helps Rescue Teen Trapped Under Car

March 15, 2024

Security Captain Arsenault began his day like usual. He woke up at 2:50 a.m. and started to make the 45-minute commute to hit the gym before his shift.

“I was going down the road and saw some debris. I drove a few miles and didn’t think it looked right, so I turned around,” said Arsenault. “That’s when I saw a car had gone off the road, and I called 911. I planned to stay until police or fire showed up. I rolled down my window. I don’t know why. It was dark, and it was raining. I heard someone say, ‘Help me.’”