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In this blog, we dig further into mail threats and vulnerabilities, why they increasingly matter to executive protection professionals, and how we can now mitigate these risks for organizations and family residences with the help of new screening technology.

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9/11 -- The day that changed the world forever gave Brenna Ray her calling. 

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In 1990, The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act was signed into effect. This federal statute requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their campuses.

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Biases can be excellent things, for example, when we prefer foods that are good for us to foods that are bad for us, or when we teach our children not to get into cars with strangers.

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Without question there is always a pressure on reducing the cost of security spend. More and more frequently, enterprises are looking to technology to provide cost-saving solutions for risk mitigation. It is prudent to be cautious when implementing technology because the science is far from exact.

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Growing up, Rick Ward was surrounded by the military way of life as his father was a Captain in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War and his grandfather as well as his uncles all served in the military.

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We hope this blog will cast some light on these lesser-known threats and vulnerabilities so EP clients and practitioners can consider them as they plan and implement comprehensive protection programs. Even if you’re not in the executive protection industry, awareness of these lesser-known threats and vulnerabilities is the first step towards mitigating them.

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Startling statistics reveal that between 1 and 3 students say they have experienced bullying and that 64% of bullying incidents go unreported.

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If “training is the cornerstone of readiness”, as the US Army writes in Train to Win in a Complex World, sustainment training is what maintains and improves that readiness over time.

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When the health and well-being of people is at the core of what you do, there is no room for compromise when it comes to establishing a safe and secure facility.

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