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As October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it’s a good time to dust off your passwords and reinvigorate them to protect your data and identity both on and offline. The following is sage advice from our cybersecurity team.

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As we reflect on the close of the fourth annual National Security Officer Appreciation Week, I am reminded of just how integral security officers are to our communities and workplaces. These individuals not only deter crime, they lead evacuations, provide information, work closely with local law enforcement and are constantly vigilant in their efforts to keep us safe.

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Each area of the United States is susceptible to certain types of natural disasters. Whether they morph into full-blown catastrophes depends on what we do now to prepare, survive and recover. One potential disaster that threatens millions of Americans each year is earthquakes.

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The United States endured 30 active shooter events in 2017. This is the “largest number ever recorded by the FBI during a one-year period” according to the June 2018 FBI Publication “A Study of the Pre-Attack Behaviors of Active Shooters in the United States.” At the rate these attacks are occurring, it is perceived that society is becoming de-sensitized and may be looking at this “as the new normal.” This has caused many people in the chemical, petrochemical and utilities industry to take preparation to another level. Below are some measures being taken.


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When corporations consider adding intelligence analysis programs as part of their security efforts, it’s only natural to pose hard questions about return on investment (ROI).

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Security officers, who strive to help maintain safe and secure workplaces, schools, shopping malls and communities, deserve heartfelt appreciation. Hard-working, highly trained men and women, security officers are counted among our country’s first responders. These individuals deter crime, lead evacuations, provide information, work closely with local law enforcement and are constantly vigilant in their efforts to keep us safe. 

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Each year, government organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), nonprofit agencies, such as the American Red Cross and private enterprise, including Allied Universal, mark September as the official month to observe national emergency preparedness.

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Security officers act as community ambassadors where they assume customer service roles. They are also first responders in emergencies, act as a liaison with local law enforcement, lead safety efforts, escort patients in hospitals, raise personal security awareness with students, and check in on residents in gated communities.

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Did you know that a fire is responded to every 19 seconds? And that it’s one of the most common and most destructive emergencies affecting safety? Moreover, a wildfire or structure fire can ignite with something as small as a lit cigarette butt or electrical spark.

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It began with a vision of becoming phenomenal. This week with the announcement that Allied Universal has agreed to acquire U.S. Security Associates (USSA), the foundation has been laid to realize that goal. 

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