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Looking back on his military career, Veteran Lamont Moore is thankful to his friend for giving him information about joining the Navy. The number one reason why he stayed in the military for more than 20 years is because it was an honor for him to be able to protect his country so Americans can live peacefully.

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In honor of National Safety Month, we want to focus on a topic we hold dear to our hearts at the Allied Universal Training System by Universal Fire/Life Safety Services – high-rise fire safety.

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Like practically any other business, most executive protection companies are vendors as well as purchasers. We sell protective services to our clients, and we sometimes buy services from other suppliers to make this happen. Ergo, we need to be good at providing the services we sell, and we need to be good at buying the services we outsource.

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Technology solutions enable property managers to do more with less. However, in the commercial real estate industry perception drives value.

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Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or drones as they are more commonly referred to, are compact in size, have the ability to hover closer than a helicopter, can discreetly maneuver tight areas and provide a bird’s eye perspective of operations. More importantly, with safety at the crux of the CPCU industry, drones have the ability to go safely where people sometimes cannot.

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For as long as he can remember, patriotism has always been important to Doug. It’s one of the reasons why he decided to join the Air Force.

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Some people are natural networkers. For others, networking is like flossing your teeth: You know you’re supposed to do it regularly, but for some reason, you never get around to it unless your gums start bleeding or you’ve got a big date starting in 10 minutes and you realize you’ve got dragon breath.

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The healthcare sector is projected to be one of the fastest growing industries through 2024 and is primed to play a significant role in national employment as published in one 2017 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (UBLS) industry assessment.

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Ever since she could remember, Johanna Fana always knew she was going to join the military because she wanted to serve her country just like her brother, sister and uncle- who all are in the military.

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